From the Shiner ISD Health Office

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year


Please contact the School Nurse with any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s health needs.  Parents/Guardians should keep their contact and emergency care information up-to-date at all times; please contact the health office or school secretary to update information.
In order for us to provide the best care for your child, please inform the Health Office of any changes in your child's health throughout the school year.

I will be using the Remind App for communication this school year in addition to email and phone calls.  Please email the School Nurse for instructions on how to sign up for the Remind App in order to send and receive messages from the School Health Office.

Looking forward to a wonderful and healthy school year!!
Debbie Aman
Shiner ISD School Nurse
Phone:  361-594-3131  Ext. 366
Fax:  361-594-8106
Email:  [email protected]   

Sick Day Guidelines


Unsure if your child should stay home? Refer to the Sick Day Guidelines


Please screen for COVID-19 symptoms before sending your child to school
  • Parents must ensure they do not send a child to school if the child has COVID-19 symptoms or is test-confirmed with COVID-19, until the conditions for re-entry are met
    • For children with symptoms, at least 5 days have passed since symptom onset, and *fever free, and other symptoms have improved
    • Children who test positive for COVID-19 but do not have any symptoms must stay home until at least 5 days after the day they were tested.
*Fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications. Fever is a temperature of 100° Fahrenheit (37.8° Celsius) or higher.
  • Please notify the school nurse immediately if test-confirmed positive for COVID-19 and/or Flu


  • FEVER: Keep your child home until his or her FEVER has been gone WITHOUT medicine for 24 hours. Returning to school too soon may slow recovery and can make others sick. If your child has been sent home with a fever, they cannot return to school the next day.

  • VOMITING OR DIARRHEA: Keep your child home for 24 hours after the LAST time he or she vomited or had diarrhea.

  • ANTIBIOTICS: Keep your child home until 24 hours after the FIRST dose of antibiotic for anything like ear infection or strep throat.

Medications in School

If your child will need medication at school, please print the Medication Administration Request Form, or the appropriate form for your child's medical condition (such as asthma, food allergies, diabetes, seizures) under the Shiner ISD Health Forms and have your healthcare provider complete, sign, and return it. 
If your child will self-carry their emergency medication (such as an inhaler, epinephrine auto-injector, diabetic medications/supplies), please print the appropriate form under the Shiner ISD Health Forms and return to school. This form must be signed by your healthcare provider.  
  • If your child is in 7th grade or older and participates in sports and/or other activities, we highly recommend that your child self-carry their emergency medication.
  • The Health Office must be aware that the child has a medication with him/her.
Please refer to the Shiner ISD Medication Policy for information on bringing the medication to the School Nurse Office. 
Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies
Caring for children with diagnosed food allergies at-risk for anaphylaxis in the school setting requires a collaborative partnership with the students, parents, healthcare providers and school staff.   Please inform the School Nurse if your child has a known food allergy or as soon as possible after any diagnosis of a food allergy. Please print and complete the Allergy Action Plan Form under the Shiner ISD Health Forms. The Accommodating Children with Special Dietary Needs Form must be completed by a physician for food related accommodations in school.  Please see the document and link below for the guidelines from the Texas Department of State Health Services for the care of students with food allergies.

Shiner ISD Health Forms


State law requires students in Texas schools to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Getting your child vaccinated not only protects your child’s health, but also that of the community.


Admission to a school is not allowed until records are produced showing (1) that the child has been immunized in accordance with the rules; (2) the child has an exemption from immunization requirements on file with the school in accordance with the rules; or (3) that the child is entitled to provisional enrollment.


For more information about Texas minimum immunization requirements and exemptions for students, please click on the following links:


Texas DSHS Immunization Requirements

Texas DSHS- find regional vaccine providers

Health Screenings
Bacterial Meningitis Information for Parents and Students
Fentanyl Awareness

Health Education Instruction 

Coordinated School Health Program- CATCH

CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) is a TEA approved Coordinated School Health Program designed to promote physical activity, healthy food choices, and prevent tobacco use in elementary school aged children. By teaching children that eating healthy and being physically active every day can be FUN, the CATCH Program has proved that establishing healthy habits in childhood can promote behavior change that carry into adulthood.

SHARE Program
March 12 - 14, 2025 for Grades 5th - 8th

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)


Texas requires every independent school district to have a School Health Advisory Council.  A SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community appointed by the school district to provide advice on coordinated school health programming and its impact on student health and learning.  The School Health Advisory Council serves exclusively in an advisory role, assisting the district in ensuring that local community values and health issues are reflected in the district’s health education instruction. The SISD SHAC has at least four meetings per school year, please see below for the dates, times, and location of the meetings.


Shiner ISD is proud to have an active SHAC with members consisting of SISD parents, healthcare professionals, representatives of the community, and school personnel.    


The components of a Coordinated School Health Program include:

  • Nutrition services
  • Physical education
  • Health education
  • Counseling
  • Health services
  • Family and community involvement
  • Healthy school environment
  • Health promotion for school staff


If you would like to become a member of the Shiner ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC), please print and fill out the SHAC Membership Application Form and return to the School Nurse.
Meeting - October 18, 2024 at 2:30 pm in Room 308
Meeting - May 21, 2024 at 2:00 pm in Room 308
Meeting - April 5, 2024 at 2:30 pm in Room 308
Meeting - February 24, 2023 at 2:00 pm in Room 308
Meeting - May 19, 2023 at 2:00 pm in Room 308
Meeting - January 27, 2023 at 2:00 pm in Room 308 
Meeting - April 8, 2022 at 1 pm in Room 308
Meeting - February 25, 2022 at 1 pm in Room 308
Meeting - October 7, 2022 at 2:20 pm in the Library
Meeting - December 6, 2021 at 1 pm in Conference Room
Meeting - October 1, 2021 at 1 pm in Lunch Room